Do you like to spend your free time writing and editing crossword puzzles? Well, hopefully this crossword template will make it easier. It starts with this blank puzzle. You enter a space to indicate a black cell and the opposite cell also becomes black. When you’re done entering spaces, you get a perfectly symmetrical puzzle with all the numbers in the right places.

Let’s see how it’s done. The puzzle starts in C3.

Blank Crossword Free Template 6 7 Puzzle Maker Download For Mac Download

Blank Crossword Free Template 6 7 Puzzle Maker Download For Mac

Blank Crossword Free Template 6 7 Puzzle Maker Download For Mac Windows 10

Cell C3 has a ‘1’ in it. C4:C17 have this formula =MAX(C3:Q3)+1 It figures out the largest number in the above row and adds one. D3:Q17 have this formula =IF(OR(C3=” “,D2=” “),MAX(MAX($C$3:C3),MAX($C$2:Q2))+1,”') If the space above or the left has a space, it figures the largest number above and to the left and adds one. In order for that one to work properly, C2:Q2 and B3:B17 contain spaces. All of the cells in the grid have this conditional formatting. Finally, a WorksheetChange event restores deleted cells and blacks out symmetrical cells.

Private Sub WorksheetChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim sFormula As String Dim lRow As Long, lCol As Long Dim rCell As Range Application.EnableEvents = False For Each rCell In Target.Cells 'if the cell is deleted, put the formula back in the cell If IsEmpty(rCell.Value) Then If rCell.Column 3 And rCell.Column 3 Then rCell.FormulaR1C1 = '=MAX(R-1C:R-1C14)+1?' ElseIf rCell.Address = '$C$3' Then rCell.Value = 1 End If End If 'If a cell is blacked out, find its symmetrical brother and enter a space If rCell.Value = Space(1) Then lRow = -(rCell.Row - Me.Range('rngMiddle').Row) lCol = -(rCell.Column - Me.Range('rngMiddle').Column) Me.Range('rngMiddle').Offset(lRow, lCol).Value = Space(1) End If Next rCell Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub. Private Sub WorksheetChange( ByVal Target As Range) Dim rCell As Range, rngMiddle As Range, targ As Range Set targ = Range( “C3:Q17”) ‘Watch these cells only. Cells to left and top must contain space characters. Only works on one area.

Set targ = Intersect(targ, Target) Application.EnableEvents = False Set rngMiddle = Me.Range( “rngMiddle”) For Each rCell In targ.Cells If rCell.Value = “” Then rCell.FormulaR1C1 = “=IF(OR(RC-1=” ” “ “,R-1C=” ” “ “),COUNT(RC2:RC-1)+COUNT(R2C3:R-1C17)+1,” “” “)” rngMiddle.Offset(-(rCell.Row – rngMiddle.Row), -(rCell.Column – rngMiddle.Column)).FormulaR1C1 = rCell.FormulaR1C1 Next rCell Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub. Problem of single letter words (+ solution) – I love this idea and am enjoying playing with it. There is a problem when more black squares are added that the crossword numbers as if single letter words are accepted. If you put a space in D3 and D4 the cell C4 is numbered as if it is the start of a word across (it can’t be the start of a word down as cell C3 is the start of the word down).

Blank Crossword Free Template 6 7 Puzzle Maker Download For Mac Free

I worked on the formula in D4 to fix this changing IF(OR(C4=” “, D3=” “) to IF(OR( And(C4=” “, E4” “), And(D3=” “, D5” “)). The problem with this is that it creates a circular reference which Excel complains about.

There is a solution to this by turning on iteration (In Excel 2010: File - Options - Formulas - select Enable Iterative Calulation. Also set Max Iterations to 1). Before this solution works fully there are a few other small changes needed – The Cell D4 was changed from =IF(OR(C4=” “,D3=” “),MAX(MAX($C$3:C4),MAX($C$2:Q3))+1,””) to =IF(OR(AND(C4=” “,E4” “),AND(D3=” “,D5” “)),MAX(MAX($B$3:C4),MAX($C$2:R3))+1,””) (The ranges needed extending so the next step, to fill the cells round the edge with the same formula, would work) Now fill from this cell to all cells in the grid EXCEPT the first (C3) and last (Q17).

Great tool thanks – I do a monthly crossword for a local paper, and occasional guest puzzles – this has saved me heas of time:) Tip for anyone PDF’ing the content by copy/pasting from excel (many local papers etc request this format) – slide the zoom slider (extreme bottom right in excel) to 200%, then get the grid and the font looking right onscreen. The printer can then scale down the resulting PDF to get a decent DPI (resolution). There are other ways to achieve the same thing, but that is the simplest.