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Cook 20 m. Ready In 30 m. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook elbow macaroni in the boiling water, stirring occasionally until cooked through but firm to the bite, 8 minutes.

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat; stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth, about 5 minutes. Slowly pour milk into butter-flour mixture while continuously stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbling, about 5 minutes. Add Cheddar cheese to milk mixture and stir until cheese is melted, 2 to 4 minutes. Fold macaroni into cheese sauce until coated.


Today’s post is sponsored by our friends at! How much do I love Mac and Cheese? It’s like, well, just, I don’t even really know how to talk about it, which, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, is saying something.

LOUD AND CLEAR. But that’s the level I’ve reached with my love for the pot-o-golden-cheesy-deliciousness. Related to the Mac and Cheese question: how much do I love Barefoot Wine? A lot. And so when I need to make myself the opportunity to eat Macaroni and Cheese and still feel grown-up-ish with a glass of red wine, I create this combination:. Tangy, Sharp Cheddar. Creamy Garlic and Herb Sauce. Bites of Seared Steak in Browned Butter.

Chewy Macaroni. Velvety, Rich That is where it’s at right there, my friends. So in a weird and exciting turn of events, I went to a wedding this weekend and I was so thrilled to see bottles of Barefoot on each of the tables.

Homemade Cheddar Cheese Sauce Recipe

So perfect since I am personally a big fan of Barefoot and have been working on a few recipes to complement their wines. Well done, bride and groom! I will tell you this, though, that one critical detail that I’d rather just forget is that the sweet and beautiful bride was actually a little girl (well, okay, fine, I guess she’s an adult now) that I used to babysit. As in BABYsit. Oh my gosh, life, just stop it. How does something like this even happen to a person who is not even 30 yet? Pass the Malbec pleeeez.

Cheddar Mac & Cheese Recipe

You guys, I promise I’m not going to show up in this post and all of a sudden pretend to be a wine connoisseur – I’m totally not. Remember when I to the fancy people in Aspen? Yeah, um, that’s more my style. I AM, however, totally a person who likes to cook with wine and/or have a glass of wine with dinner, and also a person who does not like to break the bank while shopping for wine. And wait one more thing – a person who likes wine to actually taste good.

Is this asking too much? This is why I’m a huge fan of Barefoot – it’s affordable, there’s a manageable number of choices, and it really tastes good. The creamy, tangy cheddar with the steak bites makes this Steak Mac and Cheese sturdy and bold enough to stand up to the smooth, velvety dreaminess of the Malbec. For me, it was a match made in heaven. I may or may not have eaten a plate full of this Steak Mac and Cheese with my glass of Malbec all while watching the Bachelorette with Sage the other night. And I’m not even going to lie – somehow it was just the right fit. Instructions.

Pasta: Cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain and set aside (toss with oil to prevent sticking). Steak: Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large, sturdy skillet over medium low heat.

Continue to heat the butter until it’s barely browned (this just gives it more flavor). Turn the heat up to medium high and add the steak pieces – do not stir or shake for 30-45 seconds. Flip the steak pieces and cook for another minute or two, until the steak is done to your liking. Remove from heat and keep warm. Sauce: Melt the remaining butter over medium heat. Add the garlic and parsley – saute for about a minute, being careful not to burn or brown the garlic.

Add the flour and salt – saute for another minute or two. Add the milk slowly, whisking to incorporate with the flour/butter mixture.

Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the sauce is bubbling and has thickened slightly. Add the cheese and stir until melted. Assembly: Stir the pasta together with the cheese sauce and add the steak. Stir in extra water or broth if the consistency needs a little thinning out. Season with more salt and pepper, or if you’re really awesome, drizzle truffle oil over the whole thing.

Cheddar Cheese Sauce Recipe For Mac

OMG I did that. Serve with a glass of rich, velvety Barefoot Malbec!