1. Clockstone Wordpress Download For Mac Download

This tutorial assumes a certain degree of comfort in the command line Terminal for installing WordPress on macOS Sierra or Mac OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion or Snow Leopard, the commands below are not overly complex and following the tutorial will get the job done. If you have no experience with the Terminal and want an easier way to install WordPress on your local Mac then consider using an already compiled set up, which allows for quick and easy multiple WordPress sites, like.

Clockstone Wordpress Download For Mac Download

Clockstone Wordpress Download For Mac

Before proceeding, WordPress needs a couple of things to get going and those things are an AMP stack – Apache, MySQL and PHP, Apache and PHP come bundled in OS X but MySQL needs to be downloaded and configured. Optionally install phpMyAdmin to manage the database. To get the AMP stack working correctly on OS X follow this.


Once these components are in place you are OK to proceed. OS X has 2 web document roots ‘/Library/WebServer/Documents’ and ‘/Users/username/Sites/’ also known as ‘/Sites’ this guide uses ‘/Sites’.

Clockstone wordpress download for mac free

The shared WordPress directory will be called “ wordpress“. WordPress File Set Up make a sharing directory and move into it mkdir /Sites/wordpress; cd /Sites/wordpress get the latest WordPress curl -O expand it tar -xvzf latest.tar.gz move all files into shared directory one level up mv wordpress/. Remove empty directory and compressed archive rmdir wordpress/; rm latest.tar.gz create a settings file cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php Database Setup create it a new database (no space between -p and password – as an alternative this can be done in phpmyadmin mysql -u username -ppassword -e 'create database databasename;' or in phpmyadmin. Create-database-wordpress-phpmyadmin You can do all of the above in one hit at the command line just separate the commands with “;”.

This would be handy with multiple installs and can be scripted – not necessary for this guide – but I thought I’d throw it in. Success Post Mortem OSX El Capitan 10.11 In your username.conf in /etc/apache/users/ make sure you have the following directives: AllowOverride All Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks Require all granted This will allow.htaccess file usage. But wait there’s more, you need to sudo chown -R www /Sites/wordpress; sudo chmod -R g+w /Sites/wordpress Or just change the. Thats it you should have a fully functioning local WordPress install built on a native AMP stack. If you are having install issues possibly because of previous file configurations do try a solution like, it is a free app up to a level and then paid for some pro features.