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For global politics Please and let us know what you're thinking. Yeah, it's totally ridiculous.

A lot of Chinese people ask me how to get onto “the foreign internet' because they don't have a clue. It's also pretty hard to find and download a VPN inside of China because Durrr. Most VPN websites are blocked and Baidu doesn't exactly return VPN search results. That said, you shouldn't assume Reddit or Worldnews is indicative of the average Joe in the UK or US.

So many teenage geeks and CompSci majors in the default threads. Whereas I still think the majority of people in the US or UK don't even know what a VPN is, because they don't ever need one. I certainly didn't before I came to China.

Most VPN websites are blocked and Baidu doesn't exactly return VPN search results. This is actually the reason I had to switch from Astrill to Express. After the VPN crackdown during the recent meetings I tried to update my Astrill app hoping that it would help. It wouldn't update so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it wouldn't reinstall. So I tried redownloading it from the website but I couldn't actually view the website. In closing, Astrill sucks because it's so popular and good. On the one hand, the lack of any real rule of law hinders China.

On the other, this kind of thing. I think that's what pisses me off so much about the Xi administration. How to put this. Thus far, they've allowed a gray market/legal area to exist.

Sure, shit is technically illegal, but everyone just looked the other way. Top to bottom. It was a 'you don't fuck with us, we don't fuck with you' tacit agreement with the guys in charge. It's 'we will fuck with you, and if you don't like it, we will fuck with you more. Because we have the power and you don't.' More and more?

They only look the other way if your name is Zhao now. I wouldn't bank on getting away with improper licenses for much longer. 'Rule of law for thee but not for me.' Edit: OK, that was a terrible way to put that. I guess, personally, one of the things I liked most about China was that rules didn't apply. Not like in the US (especially in the suburbs); we're sticklers for rules.

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The whole smoking under a no-smoking sign thing. Sure, the ruling class got away with a lot of shit, but so did everyone else. Now Big Brother Xi comes along as says 'thou shalt not get away with shit.' Makes a lot of examples to show he's serious. Anyone still trying to get away with shit is taking larger and larger risks by doing so. But is anyone ever gonna call him and his ilk on their shit?

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No, of course not. Used to be most people were outside the law. Now, only some are above it. 'The mountains are high and the emperor is far' is more and more 'the emperor is watching you.'