
December 1, 2018 Search Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia Gameplay Sound Graphics Value Genre: Adventure & RPG Min OS X: 10.7 CPU: Intel Dou Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia February 11, 2014 Pages: 2 Disco Floor Some puzzles require paying close attention to what is happening in the environment around where Rufus is, not necessarily near his position. Like noticing some motion off in the distance, which will provide some valuable piece of information. Players might find these a bit more challenging, since it is relatively easy to miss a tiny visual clue! Then, other tasks can be very easy to solve.

Still, the puzzles are generally fun. If you really get stuck, there are always my favorite fall back, walkthroughs that can be found with a little searching of the WWW.;-). But don’t be too eager to give in, it’s always rewarding to figure things out by yourself. There is also a mostly un-heralded side quest to this game, the finding of Platypus eggs. They can be found hidden in various parts of the game, neatly drawn into the scenery. Click on one and it is added to your catch.

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There is probably an achievement associated with finding them all. Casual players probably won’t notice them, unless they accidentally click on one. If you look into the bonus section of the game’s main menu, you’ll find a Field guide, which lists a picture of all the possible platypus finds. If you found an egg, a picture of it is also shown on that page. Game controls are pretty simple. Movement by clicking in the direction you want to go, clicking on objects or people to interact with them, and watching the animations that provide information about what is going on. As with most games of this genre, anything that can be picked up, should be, as it will be used at some point in the future.


Once its use is complete, the object disappears from your inventory. Movement through the game is pretty much linear, although there is no specific order required for your exploration. Obviously, certain tasks need to be completed before others can begin. Goodbye Deponia makes good use of sound and music to add to the ambience of the game. I especially enjoyed the folk-song-like ballads that occur between sections. Although they can be a bit crass, overall I thought they were well done and quite funny. Background music was pretty good, bright and happy for the most part, with some more dramatic moments appropriately thrown in.

Voice overs are used to read the text interaction between characters. The character actors were entertaining, although at times I was glad I had the sub-titles turned on. Daedalic is a German company, and I am certain that the humor and script were written with their culture in mind. While it is possible some of the cultural differences might have been lost in the translation, I did not find anything that made me think this was a game written for a different culture.

However, one instance that does come to mind where the text comments that the joke about the ghost’s sheet lying on the floor was lost in the translation from German to English. I wonder if the same comment was made in the German edition of the game. (That being that the joke would be funny if you played the English version.??) Anyone who knows the answer to this is welcome to email me,;-). Overall, Goodbye Deponia is a fun and entertaining game. While some people might not be completely comfortable with the characters, they are entertaining and in their way charming.

The game was fun to play, and kept my attention for hours. And of course, those of you who actually played earlier versions, will want to see how the story ends.

Deponia 3 walkthrough

I think this game is worth the time and effort to play. Cons:. Some people might not enjoy the characters or the humor in this game Additional Note (8/17/2014): In my review above, I make reference to a joke that the producers of the English version of the game refer to but did not include. After being asked about it by a reader, I finally got around to asking Daedalic Entertainment to explain the reference. Here I will quote their reply to me on this. If you haven't played the game, you might not necessarily understand the reference. It is an interesting play on words from a non-English point of view.

Quoting their reply: “The guy in the ghost costume is a Peeping Tom (“Spanner” in German). If Rufus looks at the sheet the German comment is: “Ah, ich beginne zu verstehen. Es ist ein Spannbettlaken!” (“Ah, I'm beginning to understand.

Goodbye Deponia Ps4

It's a fitted sheet!”. So it’s a play on the words “Spanner” (Peeping Tom) and “Spannbettlaken” (Fitted sheet).” My thanks to Stefanie Pirsich of Daedalic Entertainment for providing the explanation! Pages: 2 Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia.