FOR526: An In-Depth Memory Forensics Training Course Malware Can Hide, But It Must Run Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) professionals need Windows memory forensics training to be at the top of their game. Investigators who do not look at volatile memory are leaving evidence at the crime scene.

RAM content holds evidence of user actions, as well as evil processes and furtive behaviors implemented by malicious code. It is this evidence that often proves to be the smoking gun that unravels the story of what happened on a system. FOR526: Memory Forensics In-Depth provides the critical skills necessary for digital forensics examiners and incident responders to successfully perform live system memory triage and analyze captured memory images. The course uses the most effective freeware and open-source tools in the industry today and provides an in-depth understanding of how these tools work. FOR526 is a critical course for any serious DFIR investigator who wants to tackle advanced forensics, trusted insider, and incident response cases. In today's forensics cases, it is just as critical to understand memory structures as it is to understand disk and registry structures. Having in-depth knowledge of Windows memory internals allows the examiner to access target data specific to the needs of the case at hand.

For those investigating platforms other than Windows, this course also introduces OSX and Linux memory forensics acquisition and analysis using hands-on lab exercises. There is an arms race between analysts and attackers. Modern malware and post-exploitation modules increasingly employ self-defense techniques that include more sophisticated rootkit and anti-memory analysis mechanisms that destroy or subvert volatile data. Examiners must have a deeper understanding of memory internals in order to discern the intentions of attackers or rogue trusted insiders. FOR526 draws on best practices and recommendations from experts in the field to guide DFIR professionals through acquisition, validation, and memory analysis with real-world and malware-laden memory images. FOR526: Memory Forensics in-Depth will teach you:.

Proper Memory Acquisition: Demonstrate targeted memory capture to ensure data integrity and overcome obstacles to Acquisition/Anti-Acquisition Behaviors. How to Find Evil in Memory: Detect rogue, hidden, and injected processes, kernel-level rootkits, Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) hijacking, process hollowing, and sophisticated persistence mechanisms. Effective Step-by-Step Memory Analysis Techniques: Use process timelining, high-low-level analysis, and walking the Virtual Address Descriptors (VAD) tree to spot anomalous behavior. Best Practice Techniques: Learn when to implement triage, live system analysis, and alternative acquisition techniques, as well as how to devise custom parsing scripts for targeted memory analysis. Notice: For multi-course live training events, there will be a set up time from 8:30-9:00 am on the first day only to make sure that computers are configured correctly to make the most of class time. All students are strongly encouraged to attend.NEW. Bootcamp hours: Day 1 - 5: 9am - 7pm, Day 6: 9am - 5pm.

The authors of FOR526 have added a Bootcamp consisting of additional content and memory forensics challenges to make the course even more relevant for present-day memory forensics investigations and threat detection. Course Syllabus. Overview Simply put, memory analysis has become a required skill for all incident responders and digital forensics examiners. Regardless of the type of investigation, system memory and its contents often expose the 'first hit' - the evidential thread that we pull to unravel the whole story of what happened on the target system. Where is the malware?

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How did the machine get infected? Where did the attacker laterally move? Or what did the disgruntled employee do on the system? What lies in physical memory can provide answers to all of these questions and more.

This section emphasizes the relevance and widening application of memory forensics. It is an easy sell in today's world of increasing encryption, burgeoning media storage capacity, and sophisticated backdoor rootkits. The section provides a six-step investigative methodology for both user and malware investigations that will guide an examiner through the exploration of a memory capture. Memory forensics is the study of operating systems, which in turn work extensively with the processor and its architecture. Therefore, before we can begin a meaningful analysis of the operating system, we must understand how the underlying components work and fit together.

This section explains a number of technologies that are used in modern computers and how they have evolved to where they are today. In the beginning, there is acquisition. So on day one of FOR526, we will acquire a full capture of physical memory from a compromised virtual machine using two different methods. In comparing live memory triage and full memory capture off-line analysis, we discuss the applications of both methods and when to use each technique in an investigation. Acquisition tools are easy to use, but few understand the underlying mechanisms behind the process. Topics Why Memory Forensics?. Advantages of Windows.

Case Study: Hibernation File For the Win. Types of Evidentiary Findings from Memory Investigative Methodologies. Use Cases for Memory Forensics. Six-Step Process for User Investigations. Six-Step Process for Malware Investigations The Ubuntu SIFT and Windows 10 Workstations. SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) Workstation Review.

Customizations for FOR526 - Memory Forensics Weapons Arsenal. Tour: Where Are the Tools? How Do I Use Them?.

Overview of Windows 10 VM Workstation The Volatility Framework. Exploring the Underpinnings of the Volatility Framework. Reliance on the KDBG for System Profiling. Process Enumeration with Pslist and Psscan. Identifying a Hidden Process System Architectures. 32-bit vs. 64-bit Operating Systems.

x86, x8664, and IA-64 Architectures. Virtual and Physical Address Spaces. Physical Address Extensions. Virtual to Physical Address Translation Triage vs. Full Memory Acquisition. Benefits of Live MemoryTriage. Obstacles and Use Cases for Triage.

Rekall Memory Forensic Framework. Live Analysis with Rekall's winpmem Physical Memory Acquisition. Obstacles to Acquisition/Anti-Acquisition Behaviors. Device Memory. Suspended Virtual Machine.

Firewire Acquisition. Standalone Memory Acquisition Tools. Winpmem Practical Application with Pagefile Inclusion. Overview Structured memory analysis using tools that identify and interpret operating system structures is certainly powerful. However, many remnants of previously allocated memory remain available for analysis that cannot be parsed through structure identification. What tools are best for processing fragmented data?

Unstructured analysis tools! They neither know nor care about operating system structures. Instead, they examine data, extracting useful findings using pattern matching. In this section you will learn how to use bulk extractor to parse memory images and extract investigative leads such as e-mail addresses, network packets, and more. Many forensics investigators perform physical memory analysis - that is why you are taking this course. But how often do you make use of page file analysis to assist in memory investigations?

Carving the page file using traditional file system carving tools is usually a recipe for failure and false positives. In this section you will see why typical file carving tools fail and learn how to parse the page file using YARA for signature matching. You will also learn how to create custom YARA signatures to detect downloaded executable files and extract them from the page file.

Most users are familiar with processes on a Windows system, but not necessarily with how they work under the hood. In this section, we will talk about the operating system components that make up a process, how they fit together, and how they can be exploited by malicious software. We will start with the basics of each process, how it was started, where the executable lives, and what command line options were used.

Next we will look at the Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) used by a program and how they are found and loaded by the operating system. Many examiners have used some Volatility plugins, and by now so have you. But what happens when there are no plugins written to perform the investigative task required? Do you throw your hands up and walk away? Not if you are a lethal forensicator! In this module, you will learn to use volshell to examine operating system structures in memory, directly applying this knowledge to solve a real-world problem. You need to extract an executable module from memory for analysis, but the header of the module is paged to disk, concealing critical file alignment data.

Photoshop cs6 serial number keygen download for mac. What do you do? You will learn here how to examine the memory that makes up the module and extract the portions in memory to disk. Intractable problem solved! Topics Unstructured Memory Analysis. Introducing Bulk Extractor.

Extracting Network Data from Memory with Bulk Extractor. File System Artifact Analysis with Scanner Output. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Identification. Finding Case Leads with Bulk Extractor Page File Analysis. How the Page File Works. Using Pattern Matching to Extract Meaningful Page File Contents. Writing YARA Signatures to Extract Meaningful Hits from the Page File Exploring Process Structures.

Analyzing the Kernel Debugging Data Structure (KDBG). Analyzing Physical Memory Images - How Do the Tools Start?. Interactive Memory Analysis Using Volshell. Processes and Process Structures. The Process Environment Block (PEB) List Walking and Scanning.

Why Some Tasks Require List Walking While Others Rely on Scanning. Locating Evidence in Memory Left Over from Previous Boots. Locating Processes Hidden by Rootkits. Differential Analysis to Detect Rootkits and Stealthy Malware Exploring Process Relationships.

What Operating System Structures Keep Track of Processes?. Using the Psxview Plugin for Differential Analysis.

Detecting Concealed Processes. Process Anomalies that Indicate Malware. Using the Pstree Plugin to Enumerate Command Line Options Exploring Dynamic Link Libraries. What Is a DLL? Overview Incident responders are often asked to triage a system because of a network intrusion detection system alert.

The Security Operation Center (SOC) makes the call and requires more information due to outbound network traffic from an endpoint. The incidence response team is asked to respond. This section covers how to enumerate active and terminated TCP connections, selecting the right plugin for the job based on the operating system version. As we move into the internal structures of a process, virtual address descriptors hold the key to what is contained in the user space memory section. Spotting injected code depends on your ability to analyze what is supposed to be in these sections versus what actually is. This section will make you familiar with dance moves like VADWalk and VADdump, and spotting some DLL injection along the way. The central theme of section three is user artifact analysis, which makes it a great section to cover the registry.

In file system forensics, the registry is a wealth of information on system, software, and user activity. With copies of the registry hives loaded into physical memory, we can undertake the same detailed analysis, including of the volatile hive and keys not found on the file system. Volatility plugins designed specifically for targeting user behavior and evidence of execution are included in our practical application of registry parsing via memory.

This section will also show you how to use the Windows debugger (Windbg ) to perform memory analysis. Using the debugger, you will be able to dump plaintext passwords from memory for logged-on users. Windows stores plaintext passwords in memory for logged-on users. Now you will not need a GPU farm to crack passwords from dumped hashes. Why would a forensic examiner want the suspect's passwords? Because just like everyone else, suspects reuse them!

Remember that Truecrypt volume you found on the suspect's machine? Or the encrypted zip file? What do you think the odds are that they used the same password (or an easy permutation) for both? Overview Section four focuses on introducing internal memory structures such as drivers, Windows memory table structures, and extraction techniques for portable executables. As we come to the final steps in our investigative methodology - steps that include spotting rootkit behaviors and extracting suspicious binaries - it is important to emphasize again the rootkit paradox, which is that the more malicious code attempts to hide itself, the more abnormal and seemingly suspicious it appears.

We will use this concept to evaluate some of the most common structures in Windows memory for hooking, IDTs, and SSDTs. Once we have deemed something suspicious, it warrants further detailed analysis. Extraction techniques for portable executable (PE) files have already been introduced for drivers (moddump) and dlls (dlldump). In this section, we introduce two methods for extracting an executable.

Both of them make use of the PE header in order to reconstruct the extract PE file as close as it can be to that of the original on-disk file. Obstacles such as PE corruption are discussed here along with some advanced work-around techniques, including dumping memory sections via volshell. The final focus in section four is on sources of memory captures other than a real-time acquisition.


Sometimes investigators' luck runs out and they do not complete a memory acquisition before the target system is taken offline or shut down. In these cases, where else can system memory captures be found? Hibernation files and Windows Crash Dump files can be valuable sources of information, regardless of whether you find yourself without a current memory capture. This section covers the structure of the hibernation and Crash Dump file and how to convert both into raw memory images that can easily be parsed using Volatility and other tools in our memory forensics weapons arsenal. In addition, we will analyze a Crash Dump file, and in so doing discover just how Windows responds and what information is captured when a system crashes.

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Overview Windows systems may be the most prevalent platform encountered by forensic examiners today, but most enterprises are not homogeneous. Forensic examiners and incident responders are best served by having the skills to analyze the memory of multiple platforms, including Linux and Mac - that is, platforms other than Windows. This section starts with a deep dive on Linux memory acquisition and analysis, using the Rekall memory analysis framework. Linux memory analysis has posed serious challenges to investigators in the past, requiring labor-intensive construction of an analysis profile that matches the Linux target system for use with memory analysis tools. Rekall offers the ability to analyze Linux memory images with greater ease, since the profile of the system is recorded in the memory image itself upon acquisition. Students will be introduced to Linux kernel data structures and how to enumerate processes, process mapped memory, and open files and network connections. Later in the section we cover the collection and analysis of Mac OSX memory.

In a 2014 survey, 45 percent of companies reported that they now offer their employees the choice to use a Mac. Mac systems are clearly becoming more common across all environments, including business, academia, and personal use. Subsequently, investigators can expect to find, if they have not already, a Mac system as the subject of a future investigation. In this section, we discuss Mac memory acquisition, making use of a variety of third-party tools such as Rekall's pmem, Mac Memoryze, and Mac Memory Reader.

We will use open-source memory analysis frameworks to analyze Mac memory images to recover processes, memory maps, open files, loaded modules, and network connections. Overview This final section provides students with a direct memory forensics challenge that makes use of the platform. Your memory analysis skills are put to the test with a variety of hands-on scenarios involving hibernation files, Crash Dump files, and raw memory images, reinforcing techniques covered in the first five sections of the course. These challenges strengthen the student's ability to respond to typical and atypical memory forensics challenges in all types of cases, from investigating the user to isolating the malware.

By applying the techniques learned throughout in the course, students consolidate their knowledge and can shore up skill areas where they feel they need additional practice. A laptop is required for this course.

BRING YOUR OWN SYSTEM CONFIGURED USING THESE DIRECTIONS! Once the class starts you will receive a USB drive containing the Ubuntu SIFT Workstation Virtual Machine appliance with updates and evidence files that are specific to FOR526: Memory Forensics In-Depth. In addition, you will receive a custom Windows 8.1 x64 workstation virtual machine and license.

To complete the exercises in the course you can use any 64-bit version of Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux as your core operating system (OS) that can install and run VMware virtualization products. It is critical that your central processing unit (CPU) and OS support our 64-bit guest virtual machine that will run on your laptop. VMware provides a for Windows and Linux that will detect whether your host supports 64-bit guest virtual machines. For further troubleshooting, also provides good instructions for Windows users to learn more about the CPU and OS capabilities.

For Macs, please use the support page from Apple to determine 64-bit capability. Please download and install, or or higher versions on your system prior to the beginning of class. If you do not own a licensed copy of VMware Workstation or Fusion, you can download a free 30-day trial copy from VMware.

VMware will send you a time-limited serial number if you register for the trial on its website. VMware Player is a free download that does not need a commercial license. MANDATORY FOR526 SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS:. CPU: A 64-bit Intel x64 2.0+ GHz processor or higher-based system is mandatory for this class.

(Important - Please Read: a 64-bit system processor is mandatory). 8 GB (gigabytes) of RAM minimum. Ethernet CAT5 networking capability recommended or Wireless 802.11 B/G/N. USB 2.0 or higher port(s). 200 GB host system hard drive minimum. 100 GB of free space on your system hard drive. Students should have Local Administrator Access capability within their host operating system.


MANDATORY FOR526 SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS:. Host Operating System: Fully patched & updated Windows (7+), Mac OSX (10.10+), or recent version of Linux operating system (released 2014 or later) that also can install and run VMware virtualization products (, or ). Please note: It is necessary to fully update your host operating system prior to the class to ensure you have the right drivers and patches installed to utilize the latest USB 3.0 devices. Those who use a Linux host must also be able to access ExFAT partitions using the appropriate kernel or FUSE modules. Download and install. PLEASE INSTALL THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE PRIOR TO CLASS:.

(any version) with or with installed on your host. Note you can download Office Trial Software online (free for 30 days). Install, or (higher versions are okay). Download and install. IN SUMMARY, BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE COURSE YOU SHOULD:. Bring the proper system hardware (64bit/6 GB RAM) and operating system configuration.

Install VMware (Workstation, Player, or Fusion), MS Office, and 7zip. Bring the proper mandatory additional items. If you have additional questions about the laptop specifications, please contact. Incident Response Team Members who regularly respond to complex security incidents/intrusions and would like to know how memory forensics will expand their reach.

Experienced Digital Forensic Analysts who want to consolidate and expand their understanding of memory forensics. Red Team Members, Penetration Testers, and Exploit Developers who want to learn how their opponents can identify their actions. Discover how common mistakes can compromise operations on remote systems, and how to avoid them. This course covers remote system forensics and data collection techniques that can be easily integrated into post-exploit operating procedures and exploit testing batteries. Law enforcement officers, federal agents, or detectives who want to become a deep subject-matter expert on memory forensics. SANS and Graduates looking to take their memory forensics skills to the next level.

Forensics Investigators working in organizations where memory is regularly obtained by first responders, and who want to raise the bar by analyzing the images. This course extensively uses the to teach incident responders and forensic analysts how to respond to and investigate sophisticated attacks. SIFT contains hundreds of free and open-source tools, easily matching any modern forensic and incident response commercial tool suite. 'Very valuable for what my group is doing at JPL. With the acquisition of MIR and acquiring RAM in first response, this is exactly the skill set we need to master.' - Rick Smith, Jet Propulsion Lab 'I got everything I needed from this course and Alissa Torres was a phenomenal instructor!' - Matt Myrick, LLNL 'The presentation, exercises, labs and data provided are the best in the computer forensics industry.'

- Rebecca Passmore, FBI 'The training opened my eyes for the need to collect memory images, as well as physical images for single computer analysis, such as theft of IP or other employee investigations.' - Greg Caouette, Kroll 'Alissa brings memory dumps back to life.' - Stephanie Denis, Canadian Police College 'Typically by day three on a SANS course my brain is fried and I'm seriously slowing down. So today when I grabbed Alissa to explain to me VAD Analysis and she walked through it all with me until I understand it. Well, I guess you could say that the type of professionalism and dedication that makes me rate SANS so highly.'

'The SANS Institute is currently the leader in the commercial IR and computer forensic training market. They have a large number of quality courses.' - Luttgens, Jason; Pepe, Matthew; Mandia, Kevin. Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition - July 2014 Author Statement Having the skills to conquer memory forensics pushes you into the top tier of forensics professionals out there today. File system forensics is now taught in community colleges, and as a result, new grads with entry level forensics skills are flooding the job market. Experienced professionals now need deeper technical expertise to set themselves apart from the pack.

FOR526 class delivers this expertise. We have written this class with the specific goals of creating experts by making a specialist out of a generalist. My co-authors and I, forensics practitioners ourselves, understand the types of cases and challenges examiners are up against today. As firm believers in 'exposure therapy,' we provide our students with the tools to get the job done and then throw them right into some of the most complex yet exceedingly more common memory forensics scenarios.

Alissa Torres As one of the authors of the only publicly available memory anti-forensics toolkit (ADD), I understand the unique challenges of investigating memory. I've been involved with memory forensics since my days working with HBGary before open-source memory tools were viable for real forensic investigations. Just a few years ago, memory forensics was a highly specialized skill that few in an organization needed.

Today, if you want to be considered for a top-tier position in DFIR, you must understand how to perform memory analysis, and that goes well beyond just running a tool. You must also be able to analyze and understand the evidence. I use memory forensics in practically every case I investigate, whether it involves the page file, hibernation files, crash dumps, or evidence stored in volume shadow copies. Many of the labs you'll perform in FOR526 were inspired by my real-world investigations in which memory forensics saved the day.

Memory offers a very dense and target-rich search space for evidence of value. Memory-only malware? Malicious insiders using private browsing to eliminate disk evidence? Anti-forensics techniques? They all get stuck in memory.

I often like to heckle my more traditional counterparts by telling them 'I'm done with my analysis before you've even finished imaging the drive.' - Jake Williams Additional Resources Take your learning beyond the classroom. Explore our site network for additional resources related to this course's subject matter.

WebSnapperPro 2.2.2 Name: WebSnapperPro for Mac Version: 2.2.2 Release Date: 02 May 2018 Mac Platform: Intel OS version:OS X 10.10 or later Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor Includes: Pre-K’ed (TNT) Web Site: Overview WebSnapperPro lets you capture full web pages exactly as they appear in your browser, with a single mouse click, without the need to “stitch” or cut-and-paste. Save the page as an image file or as vector-based PDF. You can print the page, send it as an email attachment, send it to Evernote, or export it to your DropBox account, right from the WebSnapperPro interface. What’s New in WebSnapperPro 2.2.2.

Release notes not available at the time of this post.