Ok first I would like to thank balamw for all his help! If I may for a second explain my situation, so that you guys can understand whats going on a little better, and maybe can give me some pointers.

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  2. Intel Compilers For Mac

I am currently attending a small liberal arts college, that has a computer science degree available. This semester is my first semester to have any type of programming classes so I am new to this whole programming thing, I am currently taking programming 1, the professor, is using this book as his approach to programming heres the link. I don't understand the teacher when he teaches, so I have no clue what is going on I have asked for help and he is not very helpful. To answer balamw questions': I have no idea why my teacher has chose C as our first language, my goal is to learn how to program a little bit and do it effectively to move on to programming 2. If you guys could point me in the right direction maybe give me some pointers on 1).

What compiler I could use on Mac for C 2). And any other pointers for me while I am learning to program! Thanks everybody! Note: A fellow classmate told me today that he heard C was Windows only language is this true? Is this why there is not much support on the mac for it? Click to expand.' G' is the command name for the Gnu C compiler.

The Gnu C compiler is called 'gcc'. Pleomax pwc-3800 driver for mac. These tools exist for a huge variety of platforms, by the way, including Macs, PCs running Windows, Linux, Sun OS, and all kinds of other platforms. The intent is that the code you write on one platform can compile on others with relatively few modifications. And, yes, the code can run on all kinds of embedded platforms too. I have personally written C/C code that is running in a telephone switch, a robot (back in university), and on a mission computer installed in a helicopter. If your teacher has never heard of gcc/g then be aware that may not have a whole lot of programming experience either.

We've seen plenty of examples of people coming here for help because they're confused - and often, it's because whoever is teaching them isn't doing a very good job. I'm not trying to slag anyone, just be aware that the teachers sometimes get it wrong too, so make sure you read and experiment on your own. With respect to your screen shot: That looks like it ought to work. Were there compile errors?

Does it not run? Keep in mind that it will output to a Unix 'console' output, not a dialog box or window, so you might not see the output at all unless you run your new program from the Terminal. Click to expand.Looks fine, as notjustjay said.

You need to open the console from the 'Run' menu to see your output, but otherwise you should be fine. So far you've said you don't understand when your teacher teaches (the blame can be shared, teaching and learning styles can just be incompatible), but then that when you ask for help they don't provide it (that is their fault). This is a problem that's bigger than any particular programming issue or environment issue. If you can't learn from this person and they aren't providing usable assistance outside of class when requested, you shouldn't be paying to teach yourself. You said it was a small college, so there may not be other sections of the class, but if there are you should transfer.

If you need this credit and no other professor teaches it (you said teacher not professor, which is concerning, too unless that's just a parlance issue) then you might go to the department head, ombudsman, etc. And explain your situation to see if they can provide other resources. Even if they can't, they need to know if a student is suffering. Maybe there are some grad students, tutors, etc. That can help. We can try to fill that role, but you are paying the school and not paying us.

Intel Compilers For Mac

We are happy to help, but we can't really provide a formal education. If your teacher has never heard of g and they teach a C class this is a serious red flag. Either they don't believe in OSes other than Windows or they don't actually know C. Neither of these is a big positive.

I think you are going to be able to use XCode without issue once you pop the console open, but I would beg that you test out writing code in an editor like Smultron or TextWrangler (other have recommended these, I have not used them myself), then compile and debug your code from a Terminal prompt. If you haven't used a terminal before this may seem a little scary, but it will build character and you will be better for it. Good luck in both learning to program and getting out of this class. If you can't get help from higher up in the department that says a bad thing about it and transferring out of the class may be ineffective, and transferring to a different school might behoove you. I transferred after my first year at University to a much better school and it made a huge difference. You shouldn't do so based on an anonymous stranger on the internet, but if there is a culture mismatch between yourself and the faculty and staff at your school you're going to suffer. Click to expand.Here's how to get the Hello World program compiling (assuming your tools are installed): Open Terminal.

'cd' to the directory where your main.cpp file is. Type: 'g main.cpp' The compiler will run and compile your file into an executable called 'a.out'. Run it by typing: './a.out' You should see 'Hello World!' Appear on the next line.

Once you've got that far, start experimenting. Change 'Hello World' to other things. Get used to the edit-compile-run, edit-compile-run cycle. Then you'll be in good shape to start learning more.

Intel Compiler For Mac

Intel compilers for mac download

Intel Compilers For Mac

IntelĀ® C Compiler for Mac OS. provides excellent source, binary and command line compatibility with gcc and g.