1. We Always Knew': Five Years Later Half-brother Admits To Killing Me Softly
  2. We Always Knew': Five Years Later Half-brother Admits To Killings

A 16-year-old Gulfport, MS teenager his 6-year-old brother to scare him so he could play a video game on his cell phone. Albert Deonta Craft III claims he was trying to scare little Zaylan Sparkman when he pointed a gun at the child and shot him. The shooting happened at the family home on Sabine Street on Friday. Albert and Zaylan were in the laundry room of the home. Zaylan was sitting on a washing machine playing a game on his cell phone when Albert aimed a.38 pistol at the boy.

Albert admits he knew the gun was loaded with 2 rounds but he didn't think the bullets were close to the hammer. He told police he was trying to provoke a reaction from the child. He pulled the trigger once and nothing happened. Then he pulled the trigger again and the weapon discharged, striking Zaylan in the abdomen. Albert frantically gathered his brother in his arms and ran to a next door neighbor's house, pleading for help. Paramedics rushed Zaylan to a hospital where he died Friday evening. Officers arriving on the scene heard Albert tell his mother he killed his brother.

Albert will be arraigned on manslaughter charges next Wednesday, according to the Daily Mail UK. He faces 2-20 years in prison if convicted. Posted in Tags:, More from Sandrarose.com:. He knew the gun was loaded, he broke rule 1. Secondly they were sitting down playing a game on the phone what was the need to scare his baby to that extent.

You pulled the trigger the first time nothing happened but did it again and claim you didn't know the bullets would be that close to the hammer?! Where the hell else would they be Albert?? I don't believe you I believe this was premeditated and deliberate.

This was completely senseless that was a baby! Nothing rose to the level of shooting this child. If you didn't want to share your game all you had to do was take your phone.

This 16 year old psychopath is being charged with manslaughter. He needs to be charged with murder. The DA went with manslaughter because it's easier to prove. If you ask me, this is a classic case of sibling rivalry. The boys have different last names and presumably, different fathers.

The younger brother was playing a video game on his own cellphone and older boy wanted to play with it. That suggests the 16 year old didn't have his own cellphone or his phone isn't as nice as his younger brother's phone. The fact that he pulled the trigger more than once, is a clear indication that he intended to kill his half-brother. He probably secured that weapon with the sole purpose of murdering that child. It makes no sense. But I do empathize with infertile couples because if you are trying to have a second baby for several years, when and if you finally get one, the first child will damn near be grown!

I have fertility issues too, but I'm ready to just close up shop. My son is almost 2, no way in hell am I about to have a newborn with a half grown child. What in all the hell??? I'm 34, honestly I'm getting too old for a second baby anyway, plus I'm single, but everyone says my son needs a little sister!

People think it's selfish to have an only child:(. You're entitled to your opinion based on your experience. I'm in my late 30s. I was a very responsible child and my mother used her judgement as to when and how long I babysat my siblings. My sister and I still don't get along very well to this day but she comes to me when she hurt b/c I was her 2nd mother.

We never physically fought without my parents present b/c we knew the repercussions. Not everyone can afford babysitters by such standards. There's nothing wrong with it and the situation played out in homes in the cities, suburbs, and ghettos of America. I had a half sibling who babysat me maybe 3 times. No problems there. I was a military brat and have seen this my whole life, so I don't see it as a major issue.

It comes down to judgement and knowing the capabilities of your child. Also I come from a large extended family. Elder children have always been given the responsibility of looking after the young in my family. Now this isn't to say that my parents would let anyone babysit me because if it wasn't family, they weren't watching us.

JI have 14 nieces and nephews up to the age of 26. As teens (3 of them still are) they babysit their younger siblings, including half-siblings. It's a new day, but things haven't changed that much. It depends on the children. And from what you describe b/c of your line of work, I have a feeling it's b/c you deal with children from troubled homes or histories. I'm speaking in general for the average family/child. We're not talking babsyitting siblings on a 40hour work schedule.

I'm talking summers, after school, a couple hours while parents go to dinner. My point exactly - prior history of issues. I'm not trying to argue with you. I was saying that there is another perspective out there - that of normal, working families who do what they must- even in 2017 - and sometimes, that means siblings watching siblings.

You can't make a blanket statement and say all. That's the point I was making. I'm not deluded.

I work in the tv news business. I'm listening to scanners right now. I could probably match your stories of abuse with the things I've heard and seen. So I do respect your opinion but I was speaking up for others like me- whom you probably haven't had experience with. Like when you're raised a military brat you see a lot and it's more common that not in those communities, in 2 parent working households, in single parent households, etc- that siblings are babsysitters.

I respected your opinion without being condescending and passive aggressive. Please respect mine or keep scrolling. In no way did I insult you or come at your sideways. This generally happens when the first child was unplanned and the mother meets a man later (she may marry him.usually white women because most black men are afraid of marriage) and has another child to seal this new relationship. It can also happen when a woman has a child young and wants to have one late in her 30s before her eggs dry up or in a desperate attempt to lock up a man such as Evelyn Lozada.

Not rare to see women with an 18 year old and a newborn. Why someone would want to spend 36 years raising children, I'll never understand. Of course you can point to cases of two- parent homes where some children turn out badly, but I'm talking about the bigger picture. Unless black WOMEN start to understand the statistical ramifications of trying to raise millions of boys ALONE, then we as a race, are doomed 73% of black children are being raised by single mothers.

This not only impacts the poverty rate, but more significantly, the absence of positive male role models in the home allows the boys to be influenced by negative males in their communities, hence the proliferation of guns. (A 16 year old who cavalierly waves a gun around in his home! Is he more or less likely to do this if he has a strong, responsible father living in the home with him? ) MURDER IS THE #1CAUSE OF DEATH for black males aged 15 to 34. It is the #2 cause of death for black boys aged 1 to 4 - ONE YEAR OLDS!- and it is the #3 cause for black boys aged 5 to 14. These numbers do not apply to any group of children in this country except BLACK BOYS. For all other races, ACCIDENTS are the #1 cause of death for childrens and teens.

Unless you believe that as a race we are inherently more violent and animalistic, you must ask yourself WHY our black males are kill their OWN children and teens at such a high rate. I cant backup my phone (sony bridge for mac. No fathers in America abandon their children at a rate of 73% except BLACK fathers.

Even a freshman psychology course teaches the importance of father/son bonding. It is axiomatic that if you remove that bonding relationship negative results may occur. When we look at the violence that has become commonplace among young black males, to call the results of the loss of fathers 'negative' is a huge understatement. We are a race in crisis. Sticking our collective heads in the sand and pretending otherwise will only make matters worse.

That was my point. It is irresponsible to rely on teenagers today to be babysitters. Who does that??? Hell, you can't trust any idiot with your kids but you definitely don't leave them with someone that is still a child themselves. When I was growing up, every teenage girl babysat to earn money, but damn, I never tried or plotted to harm anyone's child no matter how bad they were! It really takes an evil and sick person to harm an innocent child. I will never understand that.

Sick and sad.

Glasgow was charged with capital murder under an Alabama statute that holds a person believed to have aided or abetted a criminal act equally liable for that underlying act. That Dothan Police Chief Steve Parrish said during a Monday news conference that the shooting apparently stemmed from the theft of Townes’ car. Townes believed Jennings was the culprit. “Instead of him notifying law enforcement, he took matters in his own hands and jumped in Mr.

Glasgow’s vehicle to find Breunia Jennings,” Parrish said, according to the Eagle. When they found Jennings, Townes opened fire, the police chief said. “Several rounds were fired at the vehicle she was driving, but one struck her in the head that caused critical injuries,”. “She passed from her injuries. I want the family of Breunia Jennings to know our thoughts and prayers go out to them during this time.” Glasgow, who was convicted on drug charges in the 1980s and spent several years in prison, became a well-known community activist in the Wiregrass area of Alabama upon his release,.

He founded, or TOPS, which serves as a community and homeless ministry in Dothan. He also helped start Mama Tina’s Mission House along with his mother, Tina Glasgow. Tina Glasgow is listed as executive director and CFO of TOPS. Kenneth Glasgow, whose middle name is as Cherden, typically refers to himself as Kenny Sharpton Glasgow and claims that the Rev. Al Sharpton, a longtime civil rights activist and founder of the, is his half-brother. The cover photo on is a photo of him and Sharpton together. One of his friends commented that he and Sharpton look like brothers.


“LOL, we are,” Glasgow responded. “No, for real blood brothers,” the woman said. You didn’t know that?” Glasgow replied.

Glasgow further explained his complicated ancestry in a. “My name has always been Sharpton,”. “We just used Glasgow when I was locked up for two (reasons). One, we didn’t want to taint the Sharpton name with my demise. “And two, it was to protect me because we didn’t want someone who was a racist or bigot to kill me knowing I was Sharpton’s brother.” Reporters with WKRG did some digging of their own on the matter and found an obituary for Al Sharpton’s mother, Ada, who died in March 2013 in Dothan. The obituary, stated that she married a man named John Glasgow in 1938 and they had two children, Thomas Jefferson “Sonny” Glasgow and Ernestine “Tina” Glasgow. Ada and John Glasgow moved to New York, while Sonny and Tina remained with their maternal grandparents in Alabama,.

The couple eventually divorced, and in 1951, she married Alfred Sharpton, with whom she had two children, Charidean “Joy” Sharpton and Al Sharpton Jr. Ada and Alfred Sharpton Sr. Split in 1964, the obituary stated, but it did not give the reason why.

In a November 2013 interview on OWN, the Rev. Al Sharpton told Oprah Winfrey in a November 2013 interview that his father ran off with Tina Glasgow one night. “I wake up one morning, he’s gone,”. “And not only is he gone, my oldest sister from my mother’s first marriage.” “How old was she?” Winfrey asked. “She was around 18,” Sharpton replied. “Yeah,” Winfrey said. “Left with him and they had a child.

We Always Knew': Five Years Later Half-brother Admits To Killing Me Softly

And then they came and took my sister to live with them. And I thought, ‘Why did he leave me?’” Sharpton said. Kenneth Glasgow is standing alongside Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson at Ada Sharpton’s 2013 funeral, which was held at a church in Newville, Alabama. All three smile as a man identified as Kenny Glasgow sings at a microphone.

We Always Knew': Five Years Later Half-brother Admits To Killings

We Always Knew

It is not clear from the information in the photo how the two Glasgows are related. Kenneth Glasgow three years later that Al Sharpton Sr. Was his father. He told the news station, however, that he didn’t need the Sharpton name for his own activism. “I don’t need my brother’s clout,”.

“My work speaks for myself.” that Glasgow and members of his organization participated in the nationwide March for Our Lives event, in which people marched against gun violence in dozens of cities across the country, just one day before the shooting for which he has been charged. Glasgow took part in the march held Saturday in downtown Dothan.

The Dothan march organizers on Monday issued a statement clarifying that Glasgow was not one of the planners of the event, but merely a participant. “Kenneth Glasgow was never a scheduled speaker at the march, nor did he participate in its planning,” the statement read,. “It frankly came as a surprise to organizers when the person from his organization who temporarily emceed the event at Porter Park (described him) as an ‘organizer,’ as he had never attended an organizational meeting or donated funds.

“The organizers of this event are relative newcomers to the area and unaware of the history surrounding many activists in this area. As such, they were not aware that Glasgow may claim credit that was not due him.” The group also stated that its members were saddened by another young life lost to gun violence in the community. “Breunia Jennings' family and loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers as they seek justice for her,”. “We stand behind them in advocating for any common-sense legislation that would have kept a gun out of her killer's hands.”.